My daughter is at the drawing age. At pre-school she does
these pieces of art and brings them home for us to adore and if they are truly
adorable, they are hung up for display. She can now compare her work to her
older brother’s and seems chuffed when hers is placed next to his.
I’ve lived off painting for many years and still think it is an enjoyable way to make a living so I do what I can to encourage them to practise as often as possible. From friends and family we get a lot of art material for them to work with. One of the most frequent gifts is the sketch book. It is not the most popular though because they seem to pile up remaining empty while the loose A4s get all the mileage.
I now collect scrap paper wherever I go and place them conveniently around the house for whenever they feel the urge to express themselves. It seems like opening a scrap book is a step too far when compared to grabbing a loose sheet and feeling free to orient it however they wish. They have forgone the discipline of creating an archive for the informal convenience of drawing on scraps.
If middle level managers can find it just as easy to perform the governance of InfoSec, they can become champions of the cultural changes needed to make securing company information part of doing business.
Many of the governance tasks are tedious and built into applications that require too many authentication points. If these applications are brought under central control perhaps with single sign-on, it means that to run a governance task will no longer require minutes to get to the file.
Many of the applications require specialised knowledge to ‘operate’. When a spreadsheet is custom built it can also mean custom operate. Skills for maintaining the ‘Starters Leavers’ workbook might be different from those needed for the ‘BYOD Register’. Having to update these two workbooks within one morning can weigh heavily on the mind of a busy person. This can lead to Subjective Productive Procrastination!