Imagine 10 Downing being sign posted with “There are no
Firearms at these Premises.“ That is a bold statement for anyone to advertise. If an elected official is a very important person, we can apply
that perception to ourselves also and do our best to protect our valuables.
I have no signs outside of my house. I consider my family precious and will like to continue living in safety. A big consideration is the risk of burglary while at home. Yet I feel safe enough. This is because I consider that there are enough layers of defence that keep me out of harm.
Enough protection relies on enough effectiveness at each defence point. A Neighbourhood Watch is a remote defence point while locking my bedroom door is very near to my dear. How many layers I care to put in place and maintain will depend on how much of a risk I am facing and how much protection I want to afford. My tactics will be physical, behavioural and attitudinal.
A firearm is a confidential piece of defence. The fastest personal attack response might be use of the body as in martial arts, after that a firearm comes close to the speed. It also amplifies human power. To advertise that my house contains no firearms, I will have to be certain that I can match an attacker’s power with alternative measures.
In the digital world, owners and thieves constantly chase advantages from emerging technologies. The Internet is allowing information to be exchanged in real time. We create, process and publish information on many different platforms. The purposes are endless. The information needs to be promiscuous and intact at the same time.
Protecting data integrity is a good strategy. Wherever the data goes, it carries a certainty that is relied on to maintain proper behaviour. Hashing is an example of making a volume of data unique and giving assurance that the information has not been tampered with.
Encryption renders the data unreadable without authentication. Another guarantee that abuse of data will be at least costly and at best useless. These two technologies protect the data at a level where the effects of an attack are immediate. They are widely available, easy to use, offer good protection in a wide range of environments and it is a good habit to protect your assets as best as you could.