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The post on data protection and data classification is good and informative. The classification of data helps a company decide what resources to allocate to the protection of its information.

This is very helpful. I am better equipped now with your useful info. Kudos to you!

Obviously data is a component for any type of information.DPA states what type of customer information should be kept from public exposure. Any data that can be used to identify a person should not be given out without consent.This provides enough information on data classification.

This is vary informative and good post.

Hi, thank you for sharing this great info. Was just browsing through the net in my office and happened upon your blog. It is really very well written and quit comprehensive in explaining with a very simple language.

Thank for sharing such great information about data classification. This blog provides enough knowledge about data classification.

I like your way to classified the data. It's really great technique for data classification.

Glad to read about the different sets of data classification and how companies handle the security of each of them...

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